Answer 1. The vet suggested Fido or Jet
or Munch. Columbo tried "Beethoven" but the dog didn't like it (Etude In Black).
Answer 2. Not that we know of. But he was in love with the
neighbor's cocker spaniel. Columbo briefly considers that maybe the lovesick dog
could be fooled or satisfied with a pin-up photo of the spaniel, but Columbo quickly
abandons that idea. ("I mean,...the dog is DUMB, but he won't fall for
THAT!") (Negative Reaction).
Answer 3. Once. The motive, Columbo learns, was jealousy (Murder, a Self Portrait). The dog also tends to be
"conceited" (Playback).
Answer 4. Yes, but he was kicked out. The dean said that Columbo's dog
was "demoralizing the other students" (Mind Over
Mayhem). So the dog still is not housebroken.
Answer 5. No. Columbo thought this might be a good idea
for Mrs. Columbo's protection. But the dog trainer's advice was, "If you want
to protect your wife, Lieutenant, teach her karate!" (How
To Dial a Murder)