Mrs Columbo Revealed!
The miracle of Mrs Columbo is that although she is never seen or heard,
she makes her presence felt throughout "Columbo". Without ever showing her
face, she remains a major character in the show, capturing our imagination and
affection. Her success is a testament to the power of good writing in
Editor's Note: We have never seen Mrs Columbo -- all we know about her is what we can
gather from her husband's remarks over the past 30 years. The picture that thus
evolves is a vivacious woman of endless energy and wide-ranging interests, who keeps
her husband going and is never far from his mind.
But Columbo is a notoriously unreliable historian. Part of Columbo's charm is that
we never know when he is speaking literally, or when he is embellishing and improvising --
especially if he is talking to the murderer. So anything Columbo says must be taken
in context.
Everything we are told about Mrs Columbo must be viewed against this background.
What we present here is just what Columbo claims about his wife at various times -- the
real truth about Mrs Columbo is something each viewer must judge personally.
Does Mrs Columbo Exist?
Mrs Columbo has proved so elusive over the years, never showing up even when her
appearance has been foretold, that a few fans have put forth the bold theory that maybe
there is no Mrs Columbo -- perhaps she lives only in his imagination, to be used as a
handy rhetorical device.
Do we know for sure that Mrs Columbo exists?
There are several reliable reasons to believe that she does.
At least three independent witnesses have reported sighting or dealing with her:
In Troubled Waters" the ship's captain (Patrick Macnee)
assures Columbo that he saw Mrs Columbo get on board. And Columbo's agitation in
looking for her is real -- he has no ulterior motive to pretend that he has lost his wife
on the

Later in the same episode, the ship's purser (Bernard Fox) sees her at least twice.
And in Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous To Your Health the
dog groomer has received instructions directly from Mrs Columbo -- she orders the special
pedicure for the dog.
In No Time To Die Columbo is at the wedding of a close
family member and he is asked about his wife. Of course Mrs Columbo is not present!... but
we may infer that guests at a Columbo family wedding would not be asking about Mrs Columbo
if she were a figment of his imagination.
And we have seen Columbo talking with his wife by telephone on several occasions -- or if
she is not his wife, he is talking to a woman who is clearly on an intimate basis with
him, and who orders him to buy groceries for her.
So we have a pretty good idea that Mrs Columbo is a real person. Everything else
about her must be seen in our own imagination.
What Does Mrs Columbo Look Like?
In a recent chat on "The View," Barbara Walters asked Peter Falk what Mrs
Columbo was like. His answer began, "Well, I knew right from the get-go that we
would never see her, so I didn't waste a lot of time thinking about what she was
But astute fans will note that we have several clues to Mrs Columbo's physical appearance.

In the opening scene of Troubled Waters Columbo is
desperately looking for Mrs Columbo, so we may assume that his description is accurate.
She is shorter than Columbo -- he says that she comes up to about his
hairline. And she has black hair, apparently quite long, which she is wearing up in
a bun.
We also know that Mrs Columbo "was never thin," and it is implied that she is
rather voluptuous. In "An Exercise In Fatality," Columbo describes Mrs
Columbo's struggle with her weight, and explains that he "wouldn't let her" be
too thin.

Columbo says "Y'see, I happen to like a woman who's..." -- here, Columbo holds
his hands in front of his chest, seemingly starting to cup his hands in a gesture for
"got big breasts" -- then he catches himself, and abruptly changes the subject.
A fascinating glimpse of Columbo's taste in women, and the closest we get to a
description of his wife.
Wasn't Columbo's Wife Played By Kate Mulgrew?

No. The official pronouncement of everyone associated with "Columbo" is
thatthe character played by Kate Mulgrew, in the series initially called "Mrs
Columbo," was married to some other cop who happened to also be named Columbo.
"Mrs Columbo" was the brainchild of NBC entertainment president Fred
Silverman, who hoped to carry on a little of the "Columbo" mystique without
Columbo, soon after "Columbo" ended its NBC run.. Richard Levinson and
William Link regarded the idea as heresy, but Silverman said he'd do it without them.
"The magic of Columbo's wife is that you never see her," Levinson
The "Columbo" creators wanted no part of the concept, but they urged Silverman
that if the show had to be done at all, a suitable actress would be Maureen Stapleton.
Fred Silverman refused, insisting that Mrs Columbo would be young
and gorgeous. Link and Levinson stormed out, and the talented but miscast Kate
Mulgrew got the role.
Mulgrew's Kate Columbo was a part-time reporter for a pennysaver newspaper, who often
found herself engaged in crime-solving.
Peter Falk was blunt: "It was a bad idea. It was disgraceful."
The show ran from February, 1979 through December, 1979. In that short time, the
show underwent several major overhauls and had four titles, going from "Mrs
Columbo" to "Kate Columbo" to "Kate the Detective," then
"Kate Loves a Mystery."
The show was long gone before the real "Columbo" made his return on ABC, but
Levinson and Link had an idea of how to treat this series on "Columbo".
They wanted to have Columbo complaining, "There's a woman who's running around
pretending to be my wife. She's a young girl. She's charging things. I
wish my wife was like that. She's an imposter."
Apart from the off-camera statements by the "Columbo" creators, the shows
themselves provide evidence that the Kate Mulgrew character was not the wife of the famous
Lieutenant. In one of several major changes over the series, Kate Mulgrew's
character was DIVORCED and took on the name Kate Callahan.
But it is clearly known in "Columbo" that the Lieutenant has never been divorced
-- "Heaven forbid!"
As further proof that Mulgrew's "Kate" was not married to the
"Columbo" character, consider her age. Even if we accept Fred Silverman's notion
that Columbo married a younger woman, Kate was so young that the marriage not only would
be a stretch -- it would be illegal almost anywhere in America!
Kate Mulgrew was age 24 when cast by Silverman in 1979, which means that when we first
heard Columbo discussing his wife in "Prescription: Murder," she was 13 years
So, "Columbo" fans are welcome to enjoy the Kate Mulgrew show on its own merits,
or as an amusing footnote in "Columbo" history. But do not be fooled --
the real Mrs Columbo has never been seen, and probably never will be.
"Where Is Your Wife, Lieutenant?"

Forgotten Lady "Well, she's a little under the weather,

Any Old Port In A Storm "Well, we had a little trouble
with the baby sitter...You know what it is when you have kids."

Murder Under Glass
"Well sir, it's her night school , final exam in accounting . She was dyin to come
here, but at the last minute she decided, she better take the exam."

No Time To Die "She had to go to Chicago to look after
her mother. She fell and broke her hip. Her mother, she was having fun at the time, ma'am
-- learning how to skateboard."

A Matter Of Honor "It's my cousin Vito's anniverary
tomorrow, so I put her on a bus to Los Angeles."

Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo "This woman's schedule, I mean,
you wouldn't believe it..."

Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous To Your Health "Gee,
she was here a minute ago...probably in the ladies room..."
Troubled Waters "Lef'tenant, isn't that your wife --
getting into the launch?"
Love And Marriage
Columbo talks about his wife so often, with such ease and familiarity, that we feel
she has been in his life forever. But that is not the case.
It is clearly established in "Death Hits The Jackpot" that Columbo is
celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary in 1991. This is corroborated because he is
talking to fellow cops about it and we see him shopping for a present. (Columbo
makes vague comments about a slightly different wedding date in "Rest In Peace, Mrs
Columbo", but admits he's not sure at the time.)
So Columbo was married in 1966, barely a year before we first meet him in
"Prescription: Murder". This puts Columbo's chatter about his wife in its
true perspective -- he is filled with thoughts about her as they are practically
newlyweds. And over the years, his fascination for her never dies.
In "The Columbo Phile," the great Columbo historian Mark Dawidziak suggests that
Lieutenant Columbo and his wife were childhood sweethearts, but the basis for this theory
is not given, and we have reason to doubt it.
Without getting into the whole chronology of Columbo's life and career -- which will be
the subject of a future article -- we know that Columbo moved to Los Angeles from another
area, most likely New York, in the late 1950s. So Columbo got married long after he
moved to California, and probably met his wife there.
Mrs Columbo's mother lived in Fresno, California, as of 1974 (Mind Over Mayhem),
consistent with Mrs Columbo growing up as a California native.
Also, Columbo once took his wife on "a trip" to see the house where he grew up,
which implies that she had never been to the place where Columbo spent his childhood -
Make Me A Perfect Murder
While we have several reasons to think that Columbo met his wife in California, we
see no evidence that instead they were childhood sweethearts. We have heard Columbo
mention two of his crushes from younger days, and neither of them was Mrs Columbo:
When Columbo was in the third or fourth grade, he wanted the attention of a pretty
red-haired girl in the front row, so much that he taught himself the art of thumb-flipping
small objects, probably spitballs, with pinpoint accuracy
(Dagger Of The Mind).
So we know that from a young age, Columbo had an eye for the ladies and would go to
considerable lengths to gain their approval. But this girl was not Mrs Columbo, who has
black hair, not red.
In high school, Columbo went steady with a girl named Theresa, clearly not the future Mrs
Columbo. He gave Theresa his ID bracelet. Columbo describes with obvious pride
how he ran into Theresa many years later, and she told him that she had kept the
bracelet -- he was quite "impressed". - By Dawn's Early Light.
We can only speculate as to how many other women Columbo dated before he met the one great
love of his life. There are indications that he is shy, or at least modest, about
matters of sex, but Columbo is clearly a man who appreciates women. We have seen his eyes
light up around many beautiful women, and heard his eccentric flirtatious remarks,
and we can see his gregarious and deeply romantic nature. So we may assume
that Columbo pursued an active
social life whenever his crazy job allowed the time.
Apparently at some point Columbo decided to make some major changes in his life. He
uprooted himself in the middle of his police career and moved to California, where he met
the future Mrs Columbo. Love came to Lieutenant Columbo well into his adulthood, and
it would be the romance of a lifetime.
How long did Columbo date his wife before they were married?
In "Lovely But Lethal" (1973), Columbo tells Viveca Scott that he has been
seeing her image on all of Mrs Columbo's make-up products for the last 12 years -- since
1961. So for at least five years before the wedding, Columbo and his future wife
were intimate enough that he was familiar with her make-up
-- which might even suggest that they were living together. They enjoyed a long
In "No Time To Die," Columbo recalls their wedding day with dreamy nostalgia.
The reception was held at an Italian restaurant. He held Mrs Columbo in his arms,
and as they danced to the musical strains of "Vinnie Scavelli and His
Paisanos", she was light as a moonbeam.
They have been together now for close to forty years, and Columbo has never looked back.
"My Wife Is A Big Fan Of Yours..."
Columbo has arrested more than his share of evil celebrities, and it seems that without
exception, all of these murderers are especially admired by Mrs Columbo. If Columbo
is to be believed, his wife is a "big fan" of every famous killer in Los
Or is Columbo just flattering these suspects to get them talking?... perhaps seeking an
autograph to get their fingerprints? You decide. Here are a few examples of
Mrs Columbo's fatal fandoms over the years:
She's a big fan of the TV cooking show hosted by Dexter Paris (Martin Landau) -
Double Shock
She's "very enthusiastic" about wanting to attend a seminar given by Dr Eric
Mason (Nicol Williamson) - How To Dial A Murder
She's the first to put in her order at the library whenever there's a new mystery book by
Abigail "The Best In Murder" Mitchell (Ruth Gordon) - Try And Catch Me
She and Columbo "never miss" Detective Lucerne (William Shatner) on television -
Fade In To Murder
She's a fan of the sex book written by Dr Joan Allenby (Lindsay Crouse) - Sex And
The Married Detective
She never misses "Crime Alert", a TV show similar to "America's Most
Wanted", hosted by Wade Anders (George Hamilton), and she is always trying to
spot a fugitive from the show - Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous
She's a big fan of Nora Chandler (Anne Baxter), and has seen every one of her movies -
Requiem For A Falling Star
She is also a big fan of Grace Wheeler (Janet Leigh), and has seen all of her musicals -
Forgotten Lady
She uses only "Beauty Mark" cosmetics -- Columbo has seen her use that brand for
12 years (1973), and each jar bears the likeness of Viveca Scott (Vera Miles) -
Lovely But Lethal
She likes the music of Tommy Brown (Johny Cash) - Swan Song
She's a great fan of Congressman Paul Mackey, who is part of Oscar Finch's murder cover-up
in "Agenda For Murder", and she'd love to get his autograph.
"My wife would love to have your autograph."
"What's her name?"
"Mrs Columbo."
Mrs Columbo: Crime Solver
In "Double Exposure," Columbo says that his wife has "got no head for
crime" -- when they watch mystery movies, "she always picks the wrong guy as the
murderer". Nevertheless, she provides vital help to Columbo on his cases.
In "Mind Over Mayhem," Columbo gives this description of his wife's important
role in his crime-solving methods:
"When a case gets too tough, I gotta talk to my wife. She doesn't talk about
the case, she talks about everything else." In other words, she helps him to
think. Her interests are so broad and so varied, that she is always likely to say
something to trigger a crucial inspiration.
We have seen a few cases where her input was quite specific.
In "Lady In Waiting," we hear that Mrs Columbo has "got a proverb for every
situation...For her, a rolling stone gathers no moss, look before you leap...," and
in the middle of an argument, she told him "You're putting the cart before the
horse." It was this last proverb that solved the whole crime for Columbo: he
realizes what's been bothering him , that the killer's boyfriend heard the shots before he
heard the burglar alarm -- "the cart before the horse".
In "The Conspirators," Columbo has been trying to figure out the meaning of a
note left by the victim -- "LAP 213". The solution is found by Mrs
Columbo, thanks to her voracious reading habits. She reads in the newspaper that a
ship bound for Ireland will be loading at Los Angeles Pier 213, which turns out to be the
gun-running vessel that is key to the wholemurder.
Mrs Columbo fills her husband such love and devotion that he observes each tiny detail
about her, which has helped Columbo on the job in surprising ways. In "Murder
In Malibu," Columbo solves the whole case by noticing that Mrs Columbo always puts on
her Maidenform panties with the label on the left.
With her active mind, Mrs Columbo stimulates her husband to explore new areas of his
brain. Mostly she helps him just by being herself.
Fast Fun Facts About Mrs Columbo
Here is a collection of facts about Mrs Columbo.
She loves to dance - No Time To Die
Besides being "a terrific dancer," she is also "a very good singer" -
Forgotten Lady
"She's crazy about music...Beethoven, that guy who wrote Marriage of Figaro...rock
music too, it's on all the time when the nieces are over" - Identity Crisis
She plays piano -- "not very well," but he never tells her that. - Rest In
Peace, Mrs Columbo
She loves Chopin - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
Her favorite piece of music is Madame Butterfly - Identity Crisis
Arts and Literature
She and Columbo both like Bette Davis movies - they watch Bette Davis movies together at 2
am - Publish Or Perish
She paints a little -- a lot of landscapes, the kind where you paint by the numbers --
"They come out pretty good" - Playback
She reads romance novels - Murder In Malibu
She reads Ann Landers' "advice to the lovelorn" columns, "like it's The
- An Old Fashioned Murder
She says that "Citizen Kane" is a masterpiece - How To Dial A Murder
She likes to watch soap operas - Butterfly In Shades Of Grey, - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She reads the whole newspaper -- including the obituaries, the personals, and even the
shipping news - The Conspirators
Hobbies and Habits
For a while she was into soybeans and wheat germ - An Exercise In Fatality
She loves flowers - Playback
She has "gotten into plants ...she even talks to em" - Last Salute To The
She loves African violets - The Greenhouse Jungle
She buys a lot of flowers, and has "not a garden, more like a flower bed" -- but
she has "a dead a green thumb, only the other way around ...everything
she plants, dies" - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She buys pottery at The Farmers Market, like the Arabian-style urn on their dining room
table - A Case Of Immunity
She bid $80.00 at an auction, for a footstool made out of coffee cans
- Death Hits The Jackpot
She's "a whiz" at crossword puzzles - The Bye Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case
She has a home computer, and "she loves it" - Agenda For Murder
She goes to night school, and at one point was studying for her "final exam in
accounting" - Murder Under Glass
Between Columbo and his wife, "she's the athlete" - Murder By The Book
She bowls - The Most Crucial Game
She belongs to a bowling league -- they have an annual dinner dance, $17.50 per couple -
Candidate For Crime
She loves marmalade - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
Her busy schedule includes watching her sister Ruth's kids - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She does volunteer work at the hospital - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She is involved with church activities - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She's fascinated by dreams -- writes hers down, and has been telling Columbo about them
for years - Murder, A Self Portrait
She walks the dog five times a day - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
Her most embarrassing habit is that every time they're in a fancy restaurant, she steals
an ashtray - "She loves momentos" - Requiem For A Falling Star
Married Life
She's a neat housekeeper -- she keeps house "like a sergeant major"
- Grand Deceptions
She's "a remarkable woman...has lots of interests, but cooking isn't one of
- Murder Under Glass
Her cooking is "a disaster" - Swan Song
Columbo does all the grocery shopping for her - Double Exposure
Sometimes the Columbos entertain dinner guests at their home, such as Harry and Ethel,
Norman, and "Uncle Gene and the twins" - An Exercise In Fatality
"When she hits a department store, she can forget anything -- even the fact that I'm
outside waiting" - Suitable For Framing
She wants them to get a shag rug - Death Lends A Hand
She taught Columbo how to dance - No Time To Die
She used to "drag" Columbo to movie musicals - Forgotten Lady
Columbo would like to have a pinball machine in the living room, but she "would never
go for it" - The Conspirators
She wants Columbo to quit smoking cigars because she says the smoke is harmful to her
plants - Last Salute To The Commodore
When she does crossword puzzles, she gets Columbo to do them -- "It drives me
crazy" - A Bird In The Hand
She takes care of Columbo's social life
- Candidate For Crime
When she "gets steamed," Columbo doesn't say too much
-- he waits "til it's safe"
- Murder In Malibu
Sexy, expensive lingerie is "something she wouldn't ordinarily
buy for herself"
- Death Hits The Jackpot
When a bookstore saleslady catches Columbo staring
at a book of erotic art, Columbo says that his wife would
"never go for it". The saleslady suggests,
"Your wife might surprise you," and Columbo says:
"That's a fact, ma'am, but not fifty-five dollars worth"
- The Conspirators
She read a sex book called "The Courtesan Complex"
and she was "most anxious" for Columbo to read the
"sex fantasy" part
- Sex And The Married Detective
She's been hinting that they should get a water bed
- but when Columbo tries one, it makes him feel
"swimmy," and he says "It makes me wonder what
Mrs Columbo had in mind"
- Sex And The Married Detective
Every morning she gives Columbo a pencil, and
every day he loses it
- Prescription: Murder
When Columbo gets food poisoning from "bad clams,"
she treats him with soup made from chicken-fat
and lentils
- Strange Bedfellows
She's "very well organized"
- Candidate For Crime
She was "always a happy woman," but for
a while got depressed, thought she was
getting too fat -- she was binging on
lasagna and rigatoni. But a TV exercise
show "saved our marriage"
- An Exercise In Fatality
She's never had her picture taken - she
believes she looks lousy in photographs
- Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She's "very sentimental" about things
like wedding anniversaries -- she took a
bus home from Mexico, leaving Columbo behind, so
she wouldn't miss his cousin Vito's
11th anniversary
- A Matter Of Honor
She cries easily --
"She cries when she loses at bowling"
- Swan Song
She "likes to have a good time,
and sometimes she gets carried away"
- Troubled Waters
Personal and Miscellaneous
She uses an eyebrow pencil to write
the grocery list
- Lovely But Lethal
She has "a cold nature," unlike her
husband's "warm nature" -- she's very
slow to get into a pool, and uses a hot
coffee cup to warm her hands
- It's All In The Game
She won a vacation cruise to Mazatlan in a
Holy Name Society raffle
- Troubled Waters
She wears only Maidenform panties, with
the label on the left
- Murder In Malibu
She likes antique jewelry
- An Old Fashioned Murder
Her car (in 1990) is a 2-door, green 1976 Ford,
license plate no 2SBI653
- Columbo Goes To College
She has been treated by an osteopath, who in turn
referred Columbo to a chiropractor
- Make Me A Perfect Murder
She loves marmalade - Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She never goes anywhere, especially to dinner,
without going to the bathroom at least twice
- Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
Mrs Columbo Comments On Her Husband
She likes Columbo's hair grown out long
- Forgotten Lady
She prefers that Columbo smoke a pipe, instead
of cigars - but he "can't get used to em, too
much stuff to carry around"
- Prescription: Murder
She suggested that Columbo get psychiatric help,
because of his feeling that he bothers people
- Prescription: Murder
"You're very observant, Lieutenant."
"That's not what my wife says"
- Death lends A Hand
She says Columbo doesn't have enough
- Death Lends A Hand
She says Columbo is so forgetful that he ought
to have strings tied around all ten fingers
- Prescription: Murder
She says she's gonna send Columbo's suit out
"to be cleaned and burned"
- Columbo Goes To College
She claims that Columbo is "compulsive" about
tying-up loose ends
- Lady In Waiting
She claims he is "the second best man on the force
- there are 80 other guys tied for first"
- Short Fuse
She tells him that he has soft feet because
they sweat so much
- A Bird In The Hand
She claims he has a closed mind about movies,
books and music
- Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
She tells him the chili is going to kill him
- Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo
Lieutenant Columbo Comments On His Wife
"I don't know what I'd do without her."
- Rest In Peace, Mrs Columbo